Sunday 31 July 2005

Week 13-16

My second trimester pregnancy. I was starting to show a little bump, I could no longer hide my pregnancy. Some ladies in the office came to me and asked, and of course I was happily share the good news with them...

I've been eating well, my appetite was good I could not stop eating. I tried to keep up with it without fall into junk food. I still don't think I'm eating enough healthy food although I always try to avoid junk food.

I had another quick ultrasound at week 14 and this time my husband & I could see the head, tiny arms & legs... It was a breath-taking moment for us..

Oh, we are a little bit worried at the moment because my husband got chicken pox and I'm not immune to it. I've had an injection to prevent me from getting infected, or if I did to lessen the activities of the virus. I hope I will not get infected.

Sunday 17 July 2005

Week 9-12

I finally found myself an obtestrician, Dr. Stewart Boyce at North Shore Private Hospital. He's ok, very experienced & a relaxed person and I heard he has a good reputation. I think I can trust him to take care of me & my baby... I had my first ultrasound at week 10 and all I could see was this tiny bean-like creature inside my womb. I was a bit teary thinking there's my little baby I saw on the screen. It's a pity that my husband wasn't there with me, he was suddenly missing in action when I was called into the doctor's room. I asked for the print out of the ultrasound so that my husband could have something to see too.

I don't look like pregnant although I feel bloated all the time. I thought some people would pick up my pregnancy but surprisingly no one has. I must admit though because I've been eating more frequent that I used to be some friends gave me a curious look but they weren't game enough to say anything. I played along with the game, I deliberately pretend nothing's happened.. :0)

I don't have any morning sickness whatsoever, I'm lucky. I only have one problem, I cannot stand stand the smell of certain perfume & food. I suddenly hate Thai food and sweetness smell of men's perfume. I try to avoid food courts and perfume stands or I'd be making faces and hold my breath until I go red!