Sunday 4 December 2005

Week 33-36

Part One:
My back is killing me! Literally!!!
I'm so convinced I'll need a wheelchair soon just to get my self around... I feel like a disabled and helpless, and it's driving me mad!! So much to do and I just can't do it...

I think my baby has dropped down, I don't know if the head has engaged I will need the doctor to tell me by using ultrasound scan. I can't tell if the pain comes from the head rubbing the pelvic floor muscles or if it comes from my back problem..
I do notice that from around early 33 weeks my heartburn seemed to ease down... Yay!!! I could eat big spicy meal with no 'fire' in my chest!!! God, I missed those hot sambal*... It tasted so good I can't believe I had to give that up for quite sometimes... But hey, we're back in business!!!!

Oh, I've gained 10 kg (22 lb) now... Poor my back & pelvis...

*Sambal; chillie mixture pounded and fried in oil

Part Two:
Ah, my first Monday at home.
Yap, I'm officially unemployed now I have more time to put my feet up & relax... Until I get bored, of course, then I'll find something to do..

30 more days to go now..